
Friday, November 5, 2010

konflik =(

hey bloggers2x hurmmm dari kemarin maw buat design blog tapi cam berubah sua plak tueee nda bleh sudah di edit2x huhuhuhu sedih =( urgggghhhh...
hurmmm so finally i choose yg disediakan dan edit jak mna yg bleh diedi..huhuuh keciwa =0

as u don't know last week saya teda blk rumah and punya lah buhsann tahap2x dewa sudah kali....hurmmm and yesterday finally i arrived at my home cweet home hehhehe....

hey2x see the post yaaa we had konflik at our rent house and makin suram and mulat ini semakin lancar untuk mengumpat kawan2x serumah..bedosa kan saya and yeahh we admit it but should there act like that...seriously there only 2 and we 4 i guess dunno the other room..and this things make me feel like i'am gonna crazy..and the only words that currently i want to say with both of them is pindah lah kamu pindahh cepatt pindah..hahah seriously memang jahat kan mulut saya....huhuhuhu...and and ???

i'll continue it later..

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