
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

married, love and understand....

........okey we meet again.............
emmmm.....i don't have a mood to update my blog because my lovely cat die......... angry wif the dog.........
okey the real thing i want to write is about love,married,understand
---okey first i want to ask.....
-if you don't love someone do you will married him/her???
-adakah kamu suka dipaksa khawin dengan org yg kamu tak suka yang telah menunggu
selama beberapa tahun???
[you'll keep your answer and think about it]
this is a modern time.....
maybe if the person didnt want to married they don't love and want to enjoy their life....
am i right???
so for the parents.....
jangan paksa your children to married someone they don like for only the person had done so many things for you family and untuk membls jasa nya......
you must remember the real tanggungjawab as a parents..........
you must support you children bkn mahu paksa diorang....
remember when your children is allready dewasa and matang...
mereka sudah pandai berfikir dan bkn lagi bdk2........
mereka tahu baik dan buruk nya keputusan yg mereka ambil......
so renung2 kan lah........

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